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Creating the Perfect Brownie

Posted by Little Bakers Dad on Nov 26, 2023 9:10:23 AM

What are the characteristics of a perfect brownie?

The answer was an elusive one, that required a lot of experiments, failed recipes and a lot of eating. This is what we have come up with.

1. Texture: Fudgy Brownie Vs Cakey Brownie

What is the perfect brownie texture? it is extremely subjective as some prefer it cakey, some prefer it fudgy and gooey, whilst others somewhere in between. This is all affected by how you beat your eggs and also how many eggs you use. Beating your eggs harder will introduce more air into your final batter as will having more eggs into your mix, which will cause your brownies to be more cakey. So play around with this detail to get the texture of your desires.

2. Top crust

It has always been my belief that it is not a brownie if it does not have a delicate shiny top crust. This is personal opinion of course :) The secret to getting that beautiful crust lies in how you melt your sugar into your batter or butter. Ensure that your sugar is mixed/melted into your batter while its hot, NOT cooled down. Doing it in hot batter or specifically, butter, will yield a significantly different result compared to a cold one in terms of crust and also texture. Experiment and you will find out.

3. Chocolaty taste

It is our belief that a good brownie has a good balance between sweetness and that chocolaty bitterness. So choose the correct balance that suits your taste buds. We prefer a ratio of 60% dark chocolate that we feel is an even balance for the many different palates of Malaysia. The Malay and Indian community we find prefer their desserts with more sweetness whereas the Chinese community not so much, so 60% seems to hit the right spot for most. 

Don't wait, start experiment with brownie recipes.. or, click the button below and checkout our brownies on our website!!

Sea Salt Brownies 2
Brownie Fudgy

How it all started

Posted by Little Bakers Dad on Nov 25, 2023 10:46:39 AM

The pandemic hit the world in such a profound manner. This virus, that at first seemed too far across the ocean to be concerned about, in a country too far away that many of us have never even set foot on slowly crept its way to our borders and to our home and eventually into our bodies.

But before all that happened of course, it was an unexpected, "welcomed" break from the rat race (at least for myself). Still seemingly unconvinced that this virus was ever gonna find its way into my family's home, it was holiday away from the routine, but that holiday was confined to a few concrete walls and that electric gate that we were not allowed to leave (at least for the first phase of the MCO). 

The TV quickly became our best friend.

"Ooooo, now we can watch those shows we never had time for.." 

"Oooo.. we can do Yoga with that sleepy lady on Youtube"

Unfortunately, the TV also became the little bakers bestfriend too and after a couple months of just TV...and so much running in the house that we could tolerate. We had to come up with something better for the kids to do. Something educational. After so many expriments, we finally landed on baking brownies. We started in 2021, and the MCO began in 2020, so it was a long thought process. With TV breaks in between lol.

And so, in mid of 2021, with plenty of experimenting and perfecting of a brownie recipe handed to us by my mother, we sold our first box of brownies.

And hence, the birth of Bruh.ownies...

Check out our brownies here..

kids with brownies resized
1 The Little Bakers and their antics
Kids with brownies 4

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